Discover the aesthetic and wellness benefits of Ketra Tunable Lighting.
What do photographers say is the key to capturing that perfect portrait? It's all about the light. If you want to frame your home as the perfect picture, it's also all about the light. Lighting is more than just a functional part of your home; it also influences how you see and experience every part of it.
LED lighting technology has enabled new ways to reimagine lighting design in your home. From new forms for fixtures to dynamic color temperature, new lighting systems like Lutron Ketra are letting you see your Chesapeake, VA home in a whole new light. Keep reading below to learn more about Ketra tunable lighting.
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Tunable Lighting
What is tunable lighting? It's lighting that can change color temperatures. Before LED tunable lighting, you could choose the color temperature of a light, from cool to warm tones. With tunable lighting, the color can be changed by a button flip or swipe on an app or home automation controller. Your kitchen can go from the bright white tones of daylight to the warm amber and red hues of a setting sun for a relaxed dinner.
Warm dimming is a feature to look for in LED lighting. It refers to the ability to dim to the level of candlelight, which creates a relaxing and beautiful ambiance in your home.
Lighting for Wellness
Don't underestimate lighting's effect on wellness. The bright, bluer light of the midday sun naturally energizes us, while the warmer tones of a setting sun tend to relax our brains and bodies. It's a natural part of our circadian rhythms; unfortunately, our rhythms are too often disrupted by the wrong light. With tunable lighting, you can match lighting to circadian rhythms for a more focused, energized day and more restful sleep.
Show Your Home in the Best Light
Tunable Ketra lighting brings a new level of aesthetics to lighting. Ketra full spectrum lighting and high color rendering properties surface your home's beautiful details. Make your artwork pop with colored light, and use the ideal color temperature to set off your finishes and materials. Ketra lighting is managed by Lutron lighting control systems, so you can have one-button control to set different lighting scenes for any activity or occasion. Make elegant dinners glow with warm-dim lighting, or enliven a party with splashes of lively color. The color palette is yours to choose and change with your mood or whim.
Are you ready for an elevated lighting design in your home? Domes Audio Video Environments show you all the options in tunable lighting fixtures and control systems. Contact us here or click the chat box below to quickly connect with one of our experts. We look forward to working with you!